Rice Recipe Calculator | how much water for 1 1/2 cups of rice | how much rice per person | Rice to water calculator grams | Rice recipe calculator rice cooker | Rice calculator per person | चावल बनाने में कितना चावल कितना पानी लगता है | चावल कैसे बनाते हैं | chawal kaise banate hain | 50 logo ke liye kitna chawal lagega |
यहाँ आपको चावल बनाने में क्या क्या लगता है सब बताया जायेगा तथा कितने लोगो के लिए कितना चावल लगेगा जनाने के लिए लोगो की संख्या लिखे –
Rice Recipe Calculator (चावल रेसिपी कैलकुलेटर)
Please enter the number of persons:
(कृपया जितने लोगो का खाना बनाना है उतना नंबर डालें)
Rice (चावल)
100 grams (100 ग्राम)
Water (पानी)
170 ml (170 मिली)
Oil/Ghee (तेल/घी)
3.5 grams (3.5 ग्राम)
Salt (नमक)
1.5 grams (1.5 ग्राम)
अगर आपको खाना बनाने के लिए पूरी रेसिपी चाहिए तो यहाँ click करें
जीरा राइस रेसिपी

एक व्यक्ति के लिए चावल बनाने की आसान रेसिपी | Easy Rice Recipe for One Person
अगर आप अकेले के लिए चावल बना रहे हैं, तो सही मात्रा और सही तरीका बहुत ज़रूरी है ताकि चावल ज़्यादा या कम न बने। यह आसान रेसिपी आपको एकदम परफेक्ट चावल बनाने में मदद करेगी।
सामग्री | Ingredients (For 1 Person)
- ½ कप चावल (बासमती या कोई अन्य) | ½ cup rice (Basmati or any other variety)
- 1 कप पानी | 1 cup water
- ½ छोटा चम्मच घी या तेल (वैकल्पिक) | ½ teaspoon ghee or oil (optional)
- ¼ छोटा चम्मच नमक (स्वादानुसार) | ¼ teaspoon salt (as per taste)
विधि | Instructions:
1 चावल धोना | Rinse the Rice
चावल को 2-3 बार पानी से अच्छी तरह धो लें ताकि अतिरिक्त स्टार्च निकल जाए। इससे चावल खिले-खिले बनेंगे। आप चाहें तो 15-20 मिनट के लिए भिगो भी सकते हैं।
Rinse the rice 2-3 times with water to remove excess starch. This will make the rice fluffy. You can also soak it for 15-20 minutes.
2 पानी उबालना | Boil the Water
एक पैन या भगोने में 2 कप पानी गरम करें। अगर आप कुकर में बना रहे हैं, तो 1.5 कप पानी पर्याप्त रहेगा।
Heat 2 cups of water in a pan or pot. If using a pressure cooker, 1.5 cups of water is enough.
3 चावल डालें और पकाएँ | Add Rice and Cook
जब पानी उबलने लगे, तो उसमें धुले हुए चावल डालें। साथ ही नमक और घी डालें, ताकि चावल का स्वाद और सुगंध अच्छी आए।
Once the water starts boiling, add the rinsed rice. Also, add salt and ghee for better taste and aroma.
4 गैस धीमी करें | Simmer the Rice
आँच को मध्यम या धीमा कर दें और चावल को ढककर पकने दें। अगर आप कुकर में बना रहे हैं, तो 1-2 सीटी आने दें।
Reduce the flame to medium or low, cover, and let the rice cook. If using a pressure cooker, wait for 1-2 whistles.
5 चावल चेक करें | Check the Rice
10-12 मिनट बाद देखें कि पानी पूरी तरह सूख गया है और चावल नरम हो गए हैं।
After 10-12 minutes, check if the water is fully absorbed and the rice is soft.
6 सर्व करें | Serve the Rice
गैस बंद कर दें और चावल को 5 मिनट के लिए ढक्कन बंद करके छोड़ दें। फिर हल्के हाथों से चावल को चला लें और गरमागरम परोसें।
Turn off the heat and let the rice sit covered for 5 minutes. Then, fluff the rice gently and serve hot.
टिप्स | Tips:
- बेहतर स्वाद के लिए घी डालें। (Add ghee for better taste.)
- ज़ीरा, हरे मटर, या मसाले डालकर इसे और टेस्टी बना सकते हैं। (Add cumin, green peas, or spices for extra flavor.)
- बिरयानी या पुलाव के लिए चावल को 70% पकाकर अलग रख सकते हैं। (For biryani or pulao, cook the rice 70% and keep it aside.)
Rice Recipe Calculator: The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Rice Every Time
Cooking rice can be a challenge, but with the right proportions of rice and water, you can make it perfectly every time. Whether you’re cooking for yourself, your family, or a large group, understanding the proper rice-to-water ratio is crucial. This post will provide you with a Rice Recipe Calculator, so you can easily determine how much water is needed, how much rice per person, and adjust the recipe for large gatherings.
How Much Water for 1 1/2 Cups of Rice?
When it comes to cooking rice, the amount of water required depends on the type of rice you’re using. For white rice, the typical rice-to-water ratio is 1:2. This means for 1 1/2 cups of rice, you’ll need 3 cups of water. To make it easier:
- 1 1/2 cups of rice = 300 grams of rice
- Water required = 600 grams of water (following the 1:2 rice-to-water ratio for white rice).
If you’re using a rice cooker, simply follow this ratio, and you should have perfectly cooked rice.
How Much Rice Per Person?
A standard serving of rice is generally about 100 grams of uncooked rice per person. This will yield around 300 grams of cooked rice. Using the Rice Calculator per person, you can easily scale up or down depending on the number of servings needed.
Rice to Water Calculator (in Grams)
Here’s how to calculate the right amount of water needed based on the amount of rice you are using, all in grams:
- For white rice, use a 1:2 ratio (1 part rice to 2 parts water).
- For brown rice, use a 1:2.5 ratio (1 part rice to 2.5 parts water).
For example:
- 100 grams of white rice needs 200 grams of water.
- 100 grams of brown rice needs 250 grams of water.
This calculation helps you get the right balance of rice and water for the perfect texture every time.
Rice Recipe Calculator for Rice Cooker
Using a rice cooker is a convenient and reliable way to cook rice. For white rice, the general rule is the 1:2 ratio of rice to water, and for brown rice, it’s 1:2.5. With a Rice Recipe Calculator for a rice cooker, just input the amount of rice, and let the cooker do the rest.
For example, if you are using 300 grams of rice:
- For white rice, use 600 grams of water.
- For brown rice, use 750 grams of water.
चावल बनाने में कितना पानी लगता है
In Indian kitchens, चावल (rice) is cooked using a simple rice-to-water ratio:
- साधारण चावल (white rice): Use 1 part rice to 2 parts water.
- ब्राउन चावल (brown rice): Use 1 part rice to 2.5 parts water.
For 100 grams of white rice, you’ll need 200 grams of water, and for 100 grams of brown rice, you’ll need 250 grams of water.
How to Cook Rice (चावल कैसे बनाते हैं?)
Cooking rice perfectly is simple when you follow these steps:
- Rinse the rice: Wash the rice until the water runs clear to remove excess starch.
- Measure the water: Using the Rice Recipe Calculator, measure the right amount of water in grams.
- Cook: Add the rice and water to your cooking pot or rice cooker. Bring it to a boil, reduce heat, and cover. Let it simmer until all the water is absorbed.
- Fluff and Serve: Once cooked, let the rice sit for a few minutes and then fluff it with a fork.
For Large Groups: How Much Rice for 50 People (50 लोगों के लिए कितना चावल लगेगा?)
When cooking for a large group, such as for 50 people, the amount of rice needed can be calculated based on the average serving size. For 100 grams of rice per person, you’ll need around 5,000 grams (5 kg) of rice for 50 people. If you’re using the Rice Recipe Calculator, simply multiply the number of people by 100 grams of rice per person.
- For 50 people, you’ll need 5,000 grams of uncooked rice.
- This will require 10,000 grams (10 liters) of water for white rice, or 12,500 grams (12.5 liters) of water for brown rice.
Quick Reference Guide
Here’s a simple reference to keep handy for your next rice meal:
- White Rice: 1 part rice to 2 parts water (e.g., 100 grams rice = 200 grams water).
- Brown Rice: 1 part rice to 2.5 parts water (e.g., 100 grams rice = 250 grams water).
- For 50 People: Around 5,000 grams (5 kg) of rice, requiring 10,000 grams of water for white rice.
With the Rice Recipe Calculator, cooking rice becomes easy and precise. Whether you’re making a quick dinner for yourself or preparing a feast for many, this guide will ensure you get the perfect rice every time!